Saturday, February 11, 2012


So today has been a busy day that has ended in me laying in bed with a tiny stomach bug. Yes, first we went to breakfast with baby and then had the dreaded taxes done! Shortly after coming home from that I felt my tummy start to churn. I'm feeling better after getting some fluids, some crackers, and lots of rest, but not ready to do to much yet. As I laid in bed today I thought about many things. How our world has changed. How much care Kinsley takes and will continue to take. Feelings of guilt ran through my head as my husband and I plan our mini vacation. My why us God thoughts came wandering back. The devil was attacking my heart and my head. The I remembered many things. Little reminders that others have told me. Reminders I have gotten from my bible. I am not doing this alone. Kinsley is still the same child she was a week ago, if I was okay going on vacation then I should still be okay going now. The Lord has plans for us! Kinsley doesn't know she's "different". The Lord is carrying me through my pain. I have prayers from many people. My God made Kinsley with a purpose! Kinsley was perfectly and wonderfully made. Did I mention I'm not walking this journey alone? I have been having some hard days. Kinsley is not an easy baby. She needs to be rocked, touched, or talked to in order to not be screaming. I have other kids to tend to. A husband who needs me. Dinner to cook, dishes to wash, and laundry to be done. It's a lot for one given person to accomplish. I do it because I am a mom and that's my job. It's hard to say I wouldn't change it for the world. Some days I would. Being the parent of a special needs child is going to be difficult. It will have its challenges, but it is my new life. I think all of the questions I ask myself, all of the what if's are normal. Who wouldn't question a "storm" in life? I have found great peace in my bible. I have found great peace in doing life with others. I have found peace in knowing many are praying for our family. Please continue your prayers. They are so comforting. Danyelle

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