Thursday, February 2, 2012

Support and Grace

I've cried today, but not over Kinsley's vision. I have cried over the amount of support and grace I feel like my family is receiving. The people closest to is in life are allowing us to be vulnerable. They are giving us space when they feel we need it, the are making themselves available, and they are just loving us where we are. This is huge! Those that know my husband and I know that neither of us are big on asking for help. We offer to help others often, but rarely ask for help ourselves. Going through these times we will need to ask for help and if we don't we need people that will force their way into helping us. The support my husband and I have surrounding us in overwhelming. So many people love us and our children. I can feel everyone's prayers. It is giving us a peace. We still have tons of questions we are wrestling with, but we know there is a plan for our precious baby girl. I did some research today. I was looking at Braille. I was also gathering information on how to tell young children and in our case siblings about blindness. I found some great stuff. I think I will share my findings with you in a other post in the next few days. Please continue to pray. Pray that as we wrestle through some of the questions we have that we will find God's peace. Pray that our support system will continue to stay strong and caring. Pray that we can continue to be vulnerable with people closest to us. Danyelle

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