Thursday, August 23, 2012

Homeschooling Adventure

We are homeschooling. This was a very tough choice for us to make. My husband and I were 100% ready to send out children to the public school this fall. Although we had prior conversations as to homeschooling being the calling for our family we were choosing to ignore that this fall. After we found out about Butterfly Girl and her diagnosis, homeschooling just seemed to difficult. We knew that we would be spending a lot of time at the doctor, a lot of time doing therapy, and that Butterfly Girl would need a lot of our attention. Public school was the easy way to do things. Send our oldest two to school and help out Butterfly Girl as much as possible. Then something changed. We went on a weekend long family camping trip. On this trip my husband and I got to talking. We discussed our prior plans to home school. We discussed our fears with going along with public school. Most importantly we discussed our calling from our Heavenly Father. We felt as though we were being convicted by God to rethink about our homeschooling plans. It was brought to the for front of our minds that God was not going to call us to home school and then not help us succeed. What he brings us to he will help us through. We truly believe that we have been called to home school. We know there will be trials and tribulations. We know that some days will be better then others. It does bring a great peace among our house knowing that we are following the path God has created for us.

Our homeschooling adventure will be starting in 12 days. We will be starting our schooling year along with most of the other schools here in Michigan. I am excited to get started and I think I am mostly prepared. It will be a challenge I am sure. Our oldest started out her life with some challenges and we behind in speech and motor developments. Now that she is on track we still have Butterfly Girl that is behind. I am sure that this life of homeschooling and managing a special needs child will be difficult, but it is one God has brought us. I am excited to show you some pictures of what our homeschooling area looks like.

Here is our homeschooling wall. The kiddlets will sit at the table in the bottom of the pictures.
Below are some books that we are going to use with Monkey Girl, but also with the bigger kiddlets. They have basic shapes, colors, numbers, letters and the like. They also have the Spanish words for everything, along with a pronunciation guide. I am super excited about getting the kids a little Spanish.
Here is a picture of what each child gets to keep in their drawers. (below will be a picture of the drawers)
Here is a picture of our drawers. I'm pretty excited that everything is all organized and such.
This gives you a wee bit of an idea on how I have things set up. Later I will give you an idea on what we are using curriculum wise and what our supplies look like. I am excited to be able to share our journey with all of you. I can not wait to share in my joys and trails. My lows and my highs.
Your prayers are greatly accepted as we travel this path. I know that we are doing the right thing by following the Lords path.
Thanks for following our journey.

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