Monday, January 14, 2013

Hard Work

As I sat last night at our kitchen table having a conversation I learned something about myself. About everything possible. I can not even say this something is newly learned. It is more of something I am now seeing in a different light.

Growing is hard is work. Not in the sense that getting an inch taller is hard. No, I'm speaking at more of an emotional, spiritual level. It is hard work.

It is easy to spend my day going through the same old routine, being mad at the same people I have been mad at forever, dwelling in the past and having no hope for the future. It would be much easier to say hey, things aren't going to change so I might as well keep on going.

It is when we decide to work on those things that the work because hard. It is not easy to change our way of thought. It is not easy to break old habits. It becomes unbearable sometimes. Changing brings on tough conversation. Changing brings out what is truly on the heart. Changing means that you have to deal with the past and work towards the future. Sometimes change is messy, some times it is hurtful.

In the end change is good. In the end it is worth it. God will carry us through. Relationships will be healed. Our own self confidence and acceptance will be better then ever before! The work to emotional and spiritual change is difficult. We tend to lean on our own understandings. We are creatures of habit. We are sinful by nature. We can, however, put in the effort it takes to change. We can call upon our heavenly father, we can gather friends and family, and we can make a commitment.

I know that I am working daily to try to change habits that I have relied on more then my God. I am trying to heal wounds that I thought were healed, but they were only healed on the surface. I am working hard at making my faith more prominent and trying not to lean on my own understandings.

Take the journey with me. I will be there for you. We can be there for each other. Take on the hard work of changing emotionally and spiritually. God wants a relationship with you. If you have one with Him, take it a step further. Make that relationship even more intimate.

Be blessed.


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