Monday, June 25, 2012

My Four Kids

This journey. This path. This life I (we) have been given. It has had its many ups and downs as I am sure it will continue to do. My husband and I have had our fair share this past week(end). We don't exactly lead the least stressful life. I mean it is probably one of the most complicated lives you could lead. We do it because we were called to lead this life. We do it because we know its right, but this weekend it all came flooding in. We have so much on our plates and its hard to just take one bite at a time. I feel as though I have to shovel. There is no chewing and swallowing. Its just one bit after another, faster and faster.

My husband is a business adventurer. Any new business he can find to take on, he will especially if he has to provide very minimal up front costs. What sometimes he doesn't realize is that when he takes on one of this business adventures, it turns into one more job for me. You see, he works a job in a shop 40+ hours a week. That doesn't include travel time. So I get to take on the other jobs that it takes to run everything else.

As if a mom of 4 children isn't enough. You see our oldest has some special needs. She is a more high demands child. She has come a long way in regards to her behavior and speech, but she still is more high demand than our other children. Then there is our son who is just so easy going and laid back. He is such a boy and his daddy teaches him way more then he should know about recycling and how to run a business. Then there is my feisty, energetic, do it myself, very independent two year old. She keeps me on my feet constantly. She is always into something else. Always on the go and has the vocabulary of a ten year old. Then there is our sweet baby who has limits on her vision. She requires all different sorts of therapy. She requires me to therapy even when the therapist are not here. She requires more care. I have always dreamed since I was little I would be a mom. That was my number one dream. I was going to be a mom and a teacher. Although I do not get to teach in a school I do get to be a teacher. A teacher to my kids. We get to learn about anything they want to learn about because my husbands business adventures allow me to stay home. This is a life I would never change. I would add ten more kids to the mix if I was able to carry more children. I love raising my kids. I love watching them grow. I love teaching them to read, to do math problems. I love being their mother. Butterfly girl has changed the way I parent. She has taught me that not everything is so black and white. My children do no learn just by reading and writing things down. It truly takes all your senses to learn. Without one sense and your whole body is thrown off. It has been an adventure. It has been the path of a lifetime and I am sure as this path continues I will no be disappointed.

My four children keep me busy. They stretch me to my limits on a daily basis. We follow a mostly strict schedule, not only for their benefit, but for my own. This is the only way I ensure that I get other business work done, but also housework and time with each of them. The day to do things that need to be done to raise four children is enough to keep any one marginally busy, but that's not enough in this house. This house we have to go beyond that. We need to go farther into the business. Tomorrow I will tell you all how we got started on one of my husbands business adventures.

In all this business I have had to learn to slow down. To read my bible. To pray. To spend some time with my Heavenly Father. It has been the most amazing times of my life. I can really feel the Lord talking to my heart when I spend that time with him. It is amazing. The kids spend some quite time with their bibles in the morning. Even our two year old opens her picture bible and flips through the pages. Its all a start of having that personal relationship with our Lord. They watch me take that time to spend in prayer and reading so they do the same thing. Its amazing. I love seeing our children on fire for God.

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