Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I have to admit something. While my husband and I sometimes disagree he always has my back. He is there for me no matter what. He is truly my number one cheerleader, support, and friend. He is everything I could ask for. Do I get angry with him? Do I get upset by some things he does or doesnt do? Do we have our moments when we disagree? OF COURSE! What married couple doesnt?

For those of you that don't know. I met my husband in highschool. After going our serprate ways our senior year I got married, had my oldest daughter, got divorced, and had my son. After going through a program at our church called Freedom in Christ I was feeling much better about life. I was feeling released from a lot of baggage. I was telling my pastor how I wonder what life would have been like if my husband and I would have stayed together. I wonder what he was doing right then and there. Not that I would give up my children to have a different life. Not that I would give up the experiences I went .through to have a different life. They make me who I am today. I am strong. I am confident. I am independant. Four hours later my husband showed up to where I was living. He asked my mother where he could find me. I was home. It was the most shocking thing I had been through. The first words out of my mouth were I have two children. He didnt run. In fact he came inside and we talked. We have been together ever since. He has been by my side for every rocky ride I have taken. He has been by my side through every joy that I have gone through.

The Lord knew we were meant to be together. I have been especially thankful for him lately. He just has really stepped up the game. He has been so supportive of my business, of my housework, and of my job with the kids. He has been by my side to help. He has been doing one of "my" chores every night when he gets home. Today he vacuumed. He has been helping spray paint the framework of the chairs I am working on for my next craft fair. He has been helping bath the kids. Bathing the kids is almost an every day job now that its nice outside and they spend so much time in the dirt. He puts them to bed while I nurse Kinsley. He has been my helpmate. He truly shows me he cares about each one of us.

He has equally been my support through my depression and my rough time with Kinsley's diagnosis. He is there when I need a shoulder to cry on. He is there to help with the kids when I need a few minutes alone. He is there for whatever comes our way. Without him I am not sure where I would be. He is my love. My best friend. My world.

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