Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekend Posts

My weekend got away from me! I want to post more blog posts. I want to keep things updated. I felt like every time I sat down this weekend to start one, someone needed something. I need to keep trying. I will get there.

This weekend was a weekend of revelation for myself.

Friday was busy. Things needed to be done around the house and then I needed to work. I got what needed to be done, done and then I headed over to my mother in laws to work. Her and I are working together and it is a ton of fun. She teaches me so much in those times we spend together. Our conversations are always fun and it is nice to get to know her more and more.

Saturday brought more craziness. We rearranged the girls' room so that the bunk bed we just purchased would fit. I was also sick of the overwhelming amount of clothes that my daughter's had so I decided that I would go through those while I was at it. I got rid of anything stained. I am going to donate the stuff that doesn't fit either of them. I can't hold onto, we simply do not have enough space. After finding closet space for 3 girls, dresser space for the youngest, and pajama space for everyone we finally have the room done. All 4 girls are sharing a room and loving it. I can see the lifetime of bonds they will share and I am so excited for them. I also went fabric shopping. Saturday also brought emotion. It brought feelings I wasn't expecting to feel. As a homeschooling family we forgo a second income, we choose to live life with less income. Never before have I ever regretted this decision and I still don't. We are following God's call for our family. We are on the path he has set for us and our children. We feel we are making the right choice. However, for the first time, I longed for that second income. I wanted them to be able to have more space, better clothes, cable even, but I knew it wasn't an option. I then remembered what I always tell my kids. The Lord will provide. He will give us what we need when we need it. He will allow us to fix the things that need fixing in his timing. He will give us more space when we need it. He will give us EVERYTHING. We need to stay faithful to the call. We need to stay on his path. We need to TRUST. So once again my heart was content. We have all that we need. We have a savior that laid down his life for us. We have amazing children. We have a roof, heat, food, and more luxuries some in our own country don't. I was content. I had faith in my Lord.

Sunday was a funny day. Our sermon was about Idols. I had thought to the day before and how I was idolizing money, big houses, and even cable! I had put those in my heart before my Lord. Human, by nature, that is what we do. We live in a world of sin. It is okay to dream, to wish even, as long as we keep our heart centered on the Lord. We need to make the Lord center of those dreams and wishes. Then maybe in his timing they will become a reality. I am living some of my dreams with God at the center, but some of my dreams I am trying to pursue on my own. I need to stop trying to take the place of God, thinking I can make my own dreams happen. Only he can. Only he will. I need to stop fighting him. I need to follow his plan in its entirety.

Be Blessed.

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