If you know me at all you know that when life doesnt go as I had intended I tend to freak out a little. If I dont plan things out I tend to get anxious. When I don't plan things my house tends to fall apart. I tend to start getting depressed because I do not feel like I am doing enough. I had one of those moments today.
Yesterday I had planned on laying low all day. I knew after the MRI that Kinsley would need my attention the remainder of the day as she may have had some side effects. No biggie, I had that under control. Until the MRI and after went no where near what was planned. Last night fell apart completely. I didnt get any work done. I didnt get any of the house clean. I was just to exhauseted, physically and emotionally. I sat in bed on the computer researching, pinning, and facebooking. I dozed on and off inbetween hoping nothing else was going to happen to Kinsley.
Today I had no plan. This is never good. I hate not having a plan. All I knew was I needed to get our oldest to school, go to Joanns fabric, and to meijer. I then went to hang our with my mom and nephews. My son wanted to play with his cousins and how could I say no. The house wasnt terribly messy and other then picking up and doing some laundry I didnt really have much to do. I just figured to myself I could do it tonight. Then I remembered... I needed to go help at girl scouts. I was helping the girls learn to sew! Oh how exciting it is to teach them how to do something tha I love. So there was no getting things done, but wait. Super Awesome babysitter saved the day. By the time I was home the house was clean! Oh how awesome it is to have a baby sitter that takes such awesome care of my kiddos and picked up the house for me. I had fun at Girl Scouts, but I needed to get ready for the garage sale we are having this weekend. I headed to the laundry room and started sorting what needed to be sold and what didnt. Crisis adverted, but the week isnt done.
Tomrrow I wont be home till late. I need to help my mom price stuff for the garage sale, bake cookies, and then go get groceries. I wont be home till close to 7. Thursday Kinsley has a PT appointment and then I will be heading to my brothers house to help with the garage sale. Friday and Saturday are garage sale days as well. It will be an even buiser end to the week then beginning. I need to remember not to stress. That it is fine. Way harder for me to do then say. So please pray for peace. Pray that I dont let myself get worked up about what my normal week looking like doesnt happen this week.
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