Thursday, November 14, 2013

Writing Again

I have been thinking a lot about my blogging journey. I wanted to start writing again. I wanted to start sharing again. Life, well life just kept getting in the way. We are very busy around here. Kids, homeschooling, a husband working for someone else and himself, and church activities just keep us all super busy!

I thought a lot about what this blog was, the direction I wanted it to go, it's purpose. So here it is:

1. I started the blog so you could follow us on Life's Journey, while we were dealing with the devastating news that our sweet baby girl would live a life with vision impairments. You were able to walk with us when we thought that she would be completely blind. You were able to be there when we got an official diagnosis, that while still stings, is better than being blind all together. An update? Kinsely is thriving! Her vision still impaired, she sees about 60% of her waking hours. She still has moments where she sees nothing. We are very thankful for the vision she does have. Her glasses are still at a +6 in both eyes for her farsightedness. She is in a stage that taking them off and hiding them is the best thing in the world and by far the most fun game ever! Her speech is still behind, she is catching up rapidly and surprises us when she says each new word! She is so funny, so sweet, and the most snugly of all our children.

2. The purpose of this blog was/is to give you an inside peek at our life. Our crazy, busy, sometimes super full, life. We wouldn't change our family for the world. We enjoy every minute that we get to spend together as a family. The purpose was also to let others who were struggling with something hard that they were not alone. I was in the pit of despair right along with them. It was a dark time. I also shared my faith in God and I hoped that others would feel that faith and believe the same thing. I want to keep that purpose the same. I want others to know what it is like with a busy family. I want others to know what it is like raising young kids, what its like to have a child with disability, what it is like to home school. I want people to know that they are not alone. I want to be able to share the experiences of our family with you. I want to share my faith with you.

3. The direction in which I will be heading is more day to day life. Lots of homeschooling. Sharing different ideas I have for helping my children learn, some of my own lesson plans for different things, and so much more! I want to be able to just share openly about what happens in our day. I think you will like the new set up. I hope that we will gain some more followers also. I'm excited to start a new chapter.

Be Blessed,